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Ministry of Interior Uncovers 2,400 Foreigners with Fake National Identity Numbers

2,400 foreigners caught applying for Nigerian passport
2,400 foreigners caught applying for Nigerian passport

The Minister of Interior, Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, has revealed that the ministry has discovered 2,400 foreigners with fake National Identity Numbers attempting to acquire Nigerian passports.

This was made known during a courtesy visit by the President and Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Forensics and Certified Fraud Investigators of Nigeria, Dr. Illiyasu Gashinbaki, and his team on Wednesday.

Tunji-Ojo emphasized the critical role of identity management in enhancing national security, stating that “identity management is the foundation of any nation, and the prevalence of identity theft in Nigeria is alarming.”

He emphasized the need for a strong identity management system to effectively track and monitor individuals within the country.

The minister also disclosed that the government’s ongoing efforts to improve the national identity management system aim to provide accurate and up-to-date information, which will assist law enforcement agencies in their operations.

He added that a reliable identity management system can help prevent crimes, track down criminals, and ensure that resources are allocated effectively to maintain public safety.

Tunji-Ojo further emphasized the ministry’s commitment to supporting the Institute and enhancing the integrity of national documents. He noted that the ministry has arrested individuals, including a British Airways crew member, with fraudulent Nigerian passports.

Dr. Gashinbaki expressed the Institute’s desire for continued partnership with the Ministry, stressing the importance of verifying and authenticating documents, capacity building, and maintaining the ministry’s representation on the Institute’s Council.

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