SHOCKING: DNA Reveals Pastor Who Officiated Wedding Is The Biological Father of Couple’s Two Children

DNA Reveals Pastor Who Officiated Wedding Is The Biological Father of Couple’s Two Children
DNA Reveals Pastor Who Officiated Wedding Is The Biological Father of Couple’s Two Children
Pastor Ordered to Pay Child Support After DNA Tests Reveal He Fathered Children of Couple Whose Wedding He Conducted

CHIREDZI, ZIMBABWE – In an unexpected twist, a pastor from End Time Messages church in Chiredzi has been ordered to pay child support after DNA tests revealed he fathered two children with the woman whose wedding he officiated.

The marriage between Eunice Mururi and Farai Hatirarami collapsed when it was discovered that Hatirarami was not the biological father of the children he had been raising. The shocking revelation came after Mururi took Pastor Vhetu to court, seeking $700 in monthly child support for their two children, aged 8 and 4.

During the Chiredzi Magistrate Court hearing, Pastor Vhetu confessed to fathering the children but requested a reduction in the maintenance payment, citing his irregular income as a pastor, which mainly comes from tithes and offerings—often in the form of food rather than money.

Represented by Farai Chauke of F. Chauke and Associates, Vhetu argued that he could only afford $150 Zimbabwean dollars per child, as he has no formal salary and supports eight other children. He also revealed that he operates without a bank account, relying solely on an EcoCash account, and offered to cover the children’s school fees and uniforms.

However, his comments about buying new clothes only in June or December, joking that “only Elon Musk’s children get new clothes every month,” drew criticism from Magistrate Diana Musiiwa, who deemed his offer “insincere.”

In her ruling, Musiiwa ordered Pastor Vhetu to pay $175 monthly for the upkeep of both children. The scandal has left the local community in shock, as the pastor’s role in the family’s downfall continues to dominate conversations.

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