Nigerian Man develops Smart Cane For Visually Impaired

Nigerian Man develops Smart Cane For Visually Impaired
Seyi Ojelabi

A young Nigerian inventor, Seyi Ojelabi, has developed a revolutionary smart cane to aid visually impaired individuals in navigating their surroundings with ease.

Motivated by his desire to assist his visually impaired cousin, Ojelabi designed the innovative device using locally sourced materials. The smart cane features a handheld stick equipped with headphones that detect and alert users to obstacles, enabling them to move around confidently and independently.

This groundbreaking invention has already made a significant impact in Nigeria, empowering numerous visually impaired individuals to travel long distances without assistance.

The smart cane is a testament to Nigerian ingenuity and a beacon of hope for visually impaired individuals, offering them a newfound sense of freedom and independence.

Ojelabi’s remarkable invention was revealed in a video posted by DW News earlier yesterday.

Similarly, in May 2023, students at Regina Pacis Secondary School in Anambra successfully designed and developed walking sticks with obstacle detection capabilities to aid visually impaired individuals.

During his pastoral visit, Valerian Okeke, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Onitsha Diocese, unveiled the innovative walking sticks designed by Regina Pacis Secondary School students. At the event, over 20 packs of the devices were distributed to visually impaired individuals. The Archbishop, joined by Nnemeka Achebe, the Obi of Onitsha, praised the students for their outstanding achievement, commending their ingenuity and compassion in creating assistive technology to improve the lives of the visually impaired.

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