Comedian Seyi Law Slams Social Media Trolls

Comedian Seyi Law Hits Back at Social Media Trolls

Seyi, who has gained attention for his outspoken views, shared his perspective on dealing with internet trolls, explaining that while he occasionally responds to online backlash, he doesn’t let it affect his personal life.

“Internet trolls and backlash online, for me, even if I respond, it ends there. I don’t take it into my personal life,” Seyi said.

The comedian stressed that he separates online negativity from his real-life values. “As long as I try to be compassionate and kind to people, I am in the right standing with my creator. Once I’m in the right standing with my creator, every other thing doesn’t matter,” he added.

Addressing the distinction between casual insults and harmful defamation, Seyi Law urged people to be careful about making unsubstantiated claims. “You can insult someone and you can abuse them, but don’t defame them. Don’t say they collected money when you didn’t see them, don’t call them ‘ashawo’ when you didn’t see them involved in prostitution,” he cautioned.

Seyi emphasized that while he can shrug off personal attacks, defamatory statements should not be tolerated and could lead to legal consequences. “The ones I feel I can reply, I reply. And the ones I don’t seem necessary, I ignore,” he concluded, drawing a firm line between criticism and slander.

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As the comedian transitions into the world of politics, his views on public discourse are likely to remain a hot topic.

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