UK Police’s Warning to Nigerian Women: ‘Keep Your Homes, Stop Kicking Your Husbands Out’

UK Police’s Warning to Nigerian Women: ‘Keep Your Homes, Stop Kicking Your Husbands Out'
The Metropolitan Police in the United Kingdom have issued a heartfelt appeal to Nigerian wives and mothers, urging them to refrain from evicting their husbands from their homes.

This plea was made during a church seminar held at Divine Restoration International Church, located at Hanworth House on John Ruskin Street, Camberwell, London.

The seminar, tailored to a predominantly Nigerian female audience, highlighted a concerning trend: over 70% of Yoruba women in England, Wales, and Ireland are reportedly single mothers. Many, the police suggested, may use the threat of police involvement in family disputes to secure welfare benefits by sidelining the fathers of their children.

Addressing the audience, an officer, accompanied by colleagues from diverse backgrounds, stressed the importance of fatherly involvement in children’s lives. He cautioned against using police intervention as a tool in family disagreements, warning that this could lead to strained family dynamics and deprive children of crucial parental care.

The officer also urged the women to stay vigilant against becoming victims of knife crimes, which have become prevalent in African diaspora communities. He emphasized the necessity of both parents actively participating in their children’s upbringing to ensure their healthy development.

This call for family unity and cooperation was aimed at fostering stronger homes and ensuring the well-being of children within Nigerian and African communities in the UK.

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