Stop Telling Women to Dress Properly- Action Against Sexual Harassment

Stop Telling Women to Dress Properly- Action Against Sexual Harassment
Stop Telling Women to Dress Properly- Action Against Sexual Harassment
In an interview with Potpourri, Nollywood actress Queeneth Agbor voiced her frustrations about the societal pressures placed on women to dress in certain ways to avoid Sexual harassment, stressing the need for a shift in how we address the real problem; predatory behavior.

Agbor, who has had firsthand experience with harassment, is calling for both societal and governmental reforms to better protect women and hold assaulters accountable.

Speaking on the overwhelming challenges women face in protecting themselves from sexual predators, Agbor asserted that no form of dress could guarantee immunity from harassment. “There is no guaranteed way to avoid being sexually harassed. The only advice I can give young girls is to pray for protection so they never cross paths with sick men. We need to stop telling women to ‘dress properly’ to avoid harassment, that kind of comment gives these idiots more confidence.”

Her frustrations stem from a personal encounter she shared, where an Uber driver harassed her on Lagos’ Third Mainland Bridge, a video of which she posted online. The actress expressed her shock at the outpouring of disturbing comments from people defending the driver’s behavior, reinforcing her belief that there are deeper societal issues at play. “I used to think the saying ‘many are mad but few are roaming’ was just fiction until I experienced it firsthand through the sick comments I received. It’s clear that many people are mentally unwell, though only a few are roaming the streets,” she said.

Queeneth Agbor also stressed the critical role that proper home training, especially of boys, plays in reducing harassment and assault. “Home training plays a huge role. It’s high time parents and guardians pay more attention to the boy child. You can’t focus all your energy on the girl child and forget that the boy needs to be checked too,” she advised.

She added that it is essential to raise boys with the understanding of respecting women and treating others with decency, noting that education on these values should start early. “Raising boys to respect others is key in preventing harassment and assault.”

Calling for firmer legal measures, Agbor urged the government to impose harsher penalties on offenders. “The government needs to start serving serious punishments to assaulters; punishments that send shivers down their spines. That way, anyone who thinks of committing such an atrocity will think twice once they remember the consequences they’ll face,” Agbor said.

She believes that by implementing stringent laws and ensuring severe consequences for those found guilty of sexual harassment, society can begin to take concrete steps toward addressing the pervasive problem.

Monalisa Stephen: A Powerful Voice Against Abuse

Nollywood actress, model, and content creator, Monalisa Stephen, also shared her experiences and views on issues surrounding women’s safety and well-being in a separate interview with Potpourri. Reflecting on her personal experience with an abusive relationship, Stephen offered a powerful message of empowerment to women in similar situations.

“If you’re being abused, don’t stay silent. Know when to walk away. You’re not a tree; you can move, and you deserve better. Always remember that you’re the prize, and if someone doesn’t see that, they’re not meant for you,” Stephen urged.

Stephen also cautioned women about lowering their standards when choosing romantic partners, particularly if a man exhibits signs of low self-esteem or narcissism. “Never date anyone who falls below your standards unless you’re confident they don’t possess low self-esteem or narcissistic traits,” she advised. “It’s essential to choose a partner who values and respects you.”

Beyond her advocacy for women’s rights, Monalisa Stephen addressed the challenges she has faced in her career, particularly as a plus-sized actress. She opened up about the stereotypes often imposed on women of her size, saying, “I’ve often been stereotyped, asked to play roles that portray older women despite being younger, or overly sexualized in roles where it wasn’t necessary.”

She went on to discuss how some people view plus-sized women as easy targets for exploitation in the entertainment industry, which she finds unacceptable. However, Stephen has remained determined to challenge these misconceptions. “I know I can play any role, so I navigate these challenges by twisting the narrative to showcase my strengths. I ensure my performance shines through, no matter how others perceive me. I’m here to change perceptions and remind myself that Gabacci—me, Monalisa Stephen—will always be fine.”

Both Queeneth Agbor and Monalisa Stephen have called attention to critical societal issues that women face daily, from harassment to stereotypes in the entertainment industry. Agbor’s call to stop blaming women’s dressing for harassment and to focus on better upbringing for boys, along with Stephen’s advocacy for self-worth and breaking free from abusive relationships, offer an urgent reminder that societal change is necessary.

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