Disaster At The Altar? My Fairytale Wedding Episode One Serves Up Complex Love Story And Comic Relief

Disaster At The Altar? My Fairytale Wedding Episode One Serves Up Complex Love Story And Comic Relief Danny Painter

Nothing sells a rom-com better than the chemistry between the romantically involved leads. We are just one episode into Africa Magic’s new limited series My Fairytale Wedding, and it’s already daunting to choose who we want Moji (Ini Edo) to end up with because the chemistry between her, Vine Olugu (Marcus), and Daniel Etim-Effiong (Dafe) is simply unbelievable.

From episode one is a whirlwind of laughter, tears and love triangles that will have you hooked. Delving further, we have to discuss how the use of flashbacks in the show’s opening sequence added an exciting twist to the storyline.

Wearing a dress that fits perfectly into a fairytale, lying on the floor in a cathedral, Moji (Ini Edo) seems to regret the decisions that led her to that moment. Tear-stricken and chaos at hand we are taken back six months before the first sequence where Moji crashes her second favourite cousin’s wedding. Dancing the night away on the dance floor, so much so that she crashes the couple’s wedding cake.

Her mother present and her nosy aunt couldn’t be any more mortified by MJ’s supposed ludicrous behaviour. Who dances so much that they crash the wedding cake? However, Dafe, the perfect gentleman and understanding best friend, swoops in like the darling he is and saves Moji from a disastrous situation.

That’s what his character does for the whole episode. Be there for Moji, always swooping in like Prince Charming.

Disaster At The Altar? My Fairytale Wedding Episode One Serves Up Complex Love Story And Comic Relief Danny Painter

Dafe and Moji on My Fairytale Wedding episode one

In case you didn’t know, Moji (Ini Edo) is the lead character in this Africa Magic limited series. The 34-year-old is on a journey to finding her happily ever after in the city of Lagos while juggling a successful career as a celebrity baker. Her issue? She is unlucky with love.

In this first episode, we are also introduced to the other squad members. Precious (Lilian Esoro)), the content creator has the textbook definition of a perfect husband but is too engrossed in herself and work to see his efforts.

Then there’s Tima (Carolyna Hutchings), who is flouting her sugar baby agreement and vying for a position of permanence via the baby mama route. Through these stories, we see the lives of three different women living in Lagos. One married, the other single and searching, and the other a sugar baby. All well-accomplished women but still struggling to manage their love lives.

Or should we talk about the roles MJ’s mother (Tina Mba) and Aunty Funke (Ayo Mogaji) play in further increasing the pressure Moji feels to find the right man? They represent our aunts, mums, and nosy neighbours that won’t mind their business as soon as you are deemed to be of marriageable age.

Always with suggestions and tips for finding good men that they could not find for themselves, they pressure young women into a lifetime commitment.

Disaster At The Altar? My Fairytale Wedding Episode One Serves Up Complex Love Story And Comic Relief Danny Painter

For the entire episode, there’s one ridiculous incident after the other. Who takes a fake and tactless prophet to their daughter’s place of work to pray while loudly singing and dancing? A whole celebrity baker! They pushed her to the floor with plans to cast and bind the spirit of ‘Spinsterism’ (Spirit of Spinsterhood) away from her life. Never heard anything more ridiculous than that before.

At the point where he said small chops instead of Jollof should be served at Moji’s wedding, I knew that there was something wrong. Imagine a Nigerian wedding without Jollof? A disaster. After embarrassing her in front of her client and wasting valuable work time, we still see them discussing her matter, but this time Moji’s mother actually defends her daughter.

There was nothing as satisfying as seeing Feyintola (Tina Mba) airing Funke’s (Ayo Mogaji) secret of her having three children with three different men. Mother Teresa and moral police, what do you have to say for yourself now?

Disaster At The Altar? My Fairytale Wedding Episode One Serves Up Complex Love Story And Comic Relief Danny Painter

Moji and Marcus on My Fairytale Wedding episode one

While the adults are spiralling, the gang – Moji, Tima, and Precious – are having a mini vacation, and there Moji meets Black Zeus, Marcus (Vine Olugu). Off-topic, I thought people said there was a shortage of fine men in Nollywood. What happened to Vine Olugu? He was the perfect rebound for Moji at this moment. Hot body sculpted for the gods and a face to match, Moji was enchanted and did not hesitate to shoot her shot.

In just a matter of days, Moji has had an almost kiss moment with her longtime best friend, Dafe, and a steamy night with the new hottie in town, Marcus. How would their relationship progress? I guess we are going to have to keep watching to find out.

Disaster At The Altar? My Fairytale Wedding Episode One Serves Up Complex Love Story And Comic Relief Danny Painter

Tima and Odogwu Chikason on My Fairytale Wedding episode one

Amidst the games and drama is Tima, the seemingly unbothered friend, going through sugar daddy woes. After an emotional over-the-phone revelation that she was pregnant and a stern warning from her Odogwu Chikason (Kanayo O. Kanayo), who wants nothing to do with their unborn child, inevitably, she decides to take on her journey alone.

However, things do not go according to plan as she loses her child. Although that was sad, what was worse was the casual manner in which Odogwu Chikason suggested that Tima has an abortion, a statement that mirrors how comfortable it is for men to suggest invasive procedures to women without any thought. That scene was simply a reminder to never copulate with irresponsible people who do not have the human decency to take responsibility for their actions.

One episode in and My Fairytale Wedding is already building a strong storyline, with the cast delivering their roles while exploring themes of marriage, love, betrayal, and societal pressure. Watch new episodes of My Fairytale Wedding on Africa Magic Showcase (DStv Ch. 151, GOtv. Ch. 8.) on Sundays at 8 pm.

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