Lawsuit Bloom: Miley Cyrus Sued for Allegedly Picking Flowers from Bruno Mars’ Garden

Lawsuit Bloom: Miley Cyrus Sued for Allegedly Picking Flowers from Bruno Mars’ Garden

The firm claims that Miley lifted the melody, harmony, and chorus, insisting that “Flowers” wouldn’t exist without Bruno’s heart-wrenching hit. Milley’s chorus in “Flowers” takes a self-love anthem vibe with lyrics like,


“I can buy myself flowers,

write my name in the sand,

talk to myself for hours,

and tops it off with, “I can love me better than you can.”

Bruno’s song, on the other hand, comes from a place of regret, where he sings,

“I should’ve bought you flowers and held your hand…

now my baby’s dancing,

but she’s dancing with another man.”

Tempo Music Investments, who reportedly own a share of Bruno’s song, are demanding not only financial compensation from Miley but are also asking the court to ban her from performing the song entirely.

Luckily for Miley, Bruno Mars himself is not part of the lawsuit. The man may probably be too busy buying his own flower and still regretting those he didn’t buy.The comparisons between the songs have sparked heated debates online, though many fans point out that while the lyrics share similar themes, the context and messages are wildly different.

Miley’s track gives more of a post-breakup empowerment anthem; rumored to be aimed at her ex-husband Liam Hemsworth. Whereas Bruno’s ballad is a plea for reconciliation.

Miley’s smash hit “Flowers,” from her album Endless Summer Vacation, has soared to the top of the charts, with many calling it a refreshing disco-pop throwback.

Amidst the controversy, Miley celebrated the song’s success on Twitter, saying: “Celebrating Flowers being #1 around the world again this week! I love that this record is connecting in such a positive way… Endlessly thankful”.

While the lawsuit makes waves, fans will have to wait and see if Tempo Music Investments can convince a court that Miley didn’t just buy her own flowers but picked a few from Bruno’s garden. One thing’s for sure: Miley seems to be dancing to her own beat, lawsuit or not.

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