Adeboye Urges Couples to Be Romantic in Their Marriages

Adeboye Urges Couples to Be Romantic in Marriage
Adeboye encouraged couples to revive the affection they once shared before the demands of life, work, and children became overwhelming.

Lagos, Nigeria – Pastor Enoch Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), has emphasized the importance of maintaining romance in marriage, even for couples deeply engaged in spiritual matters.

In a message shared on his official Facebook page, Adeboye revealed that he and his wife, Foluke, still use affectionate pet names when they are alone, underscoring that “anointing does not reduce romance.”

The cleric urged married couples to prioritize intimacy and romance in their relationships, reminding them that a vibrant marriage is essential for joy and fulfillment. He cautioned that some pastors mistakenly view romantic activities as distractions from spiritual obligations, resulting in a lack of emotional connection with their spouses.

“The fact that you are a Christian does not in any way take romance out of your marriage. Marriage is the only institution where romance and intimacy are allowed between a man and a woman,” Adeboye wrote.

Citing biblical examples, he highlighted the importance of balancing spiritual focus with marital intimacy, referencing Genesis 26:8 where Isaac was seen being romantic with his wife, Rebekah. Adeboye noted that anointing and spiritual responsibilities should not diminish the need for affection and love in marriage.

He encouraged couples to revive the affection they once shared before the demands of life, work, and children became overwhelming. Simple gestures such as writing love notes, using pet names, and planning surprises can go a long way in keeping the romance alive, according to the pastor.

“Up until today, there is a pet name my wife calls me when we are alone. I equally have a pet name that I call her, and every time I call her by that name, she cannot but smile at me lovingly. When we are alone, we are lovers, not Daddy G.O and Mummy G.O,” he shared.

Adeboye concluded by urging couples to make deliberate efforts to nurture their marriages and ensure the romance continues to flourish, encouraging them to not let the “romance die” even amid the pressures of life and ministry.

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