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Namibia Court Decriminalizes Same-Sex Acts, Landmark Victory for LGBTQ Community

Court declares Same-Sex marriage legal in Namibia
Court declares Same-Sex marriage legal in Namibia

In a historic ruling, the Namibian High Court has declared colonial-era laws criminalizing same-sex acts between men unconstitutional.

The decision is a significant victory for the LGBTQ community in Namibia, marking a major step forward for human rights in the country.

The case was brought by Namibian activist Friedel Dausab, with support from the UK-based Human Dignity Trust. Dausab hailed the ruling, stating, “It’s a great day for Namibia. It won’t be a crime to love anymore.”

The laws in question, inherited from South Africa when Namibia gained independence in 1990, had led to ongoing discrimination and fear of arrest among gay men. While prosecutions were rare, the laws perpetuated a culture of fear and marginalization.

Namibia joins South Africa, which decriminalized same-sex sexual activity and allows LGBTQ couples to adopt, marry, and enter civil unions. The ruling contrasts with recent developments in Uganda and Ghana, where harsh anti-LGBTQ laws have been enacted or proposed, sparking international condemnation.

The decision is a significant milestone in the fight for LGBTQ rights in Africa, and activists hope it will inspire further progress across the continent.

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