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Reports Afrique covers verified stories in Nigeria with factual reporting. Our reporters are spread all over Africa and present factual news through local contributors who track stories to the very actors.

Verified and factual news about Nigeria covering latest news, breaking news, politics, entertainment, technology, business and fashion.

Our reports are latest news and in cases where we have breaking news, we follow up to get detailed facts.

Our readers have faith in our reports and rely on facts produced on our online platforms to verify viral stories around the continent.

In Nigeria, we do exclusive interviews and follow up events to tiniest details before reporting.

The locals trust our platform and so are always ready to engage with our reporters.

Reports Afrique remains one of the most reliable sources of verified news in Nigeria. We offer both French and English versions on all our reports making possible for the populace to get full access to our news reports.

Our reach spread all through the sub-Saharan Africa and the rest of the world.

Our staffs are mostly indigenous Africans who understand the local languages and can communicate with the people whose stories we want to tell to the world.

In Nigeria, detailed reporting is necessary to propagate information to the people. They find Reports Afrique as the platform that offers them all they want especially in telling the stories around them.