Why Team Nigeria couldn’t win a single Medal at Paris Olympics – Psychologists

Why Team Nigeria couldn't win a single Medal at Paris Olympics - Psychologists

Lagos, Nigeria – The dismal performance of Team Nigeria at the recent Paris 2024 Olympics has been attributed to the absence of sports psychologists in the team. This revelation was made by Professor Clement Fasan, a renowned sports psychologist, during the Annual National Conference of the Sports Psychologists Association of Nigeria (SPAN) held at the National Institute in Lagos.

According to Professor Fasan, who presented the lead paper on “Optimizing Athletes’ Performance and Well-being: Challenges for Sports Stakeholders in the 21st Century,” the lack of sports psychologists in the team hindered athletes’ ability to achieve their full potential. “We cannot talk of optimizing athletes’ performance without considering their well-being and welfare,” he emphasized. “Athletes are fragile and have limited careers, making it essential to develop programs and incentives that cater to their well-being and welfare.”

Professor Seun Omotayo, also a sports psychologist, echoed Professor Fasan’s sentiments, stating that both success and failure require effective psychological management. He cited the example of Tobi Amusan’s failure, which he attributed to inadequate psychological management. “Sports is a scientific discipline that requires psychological support to ensure talent and technique are maximized,” Professor Omotayo said.

The Director-General of the National Institute for Sports, Professor Olawale Moronkola, welcomed the conference’s theme, noting that it comes at a critical time when Nigerian sports is under scrutiny due to its poor performance. “This event provides an opportunity for us to correct the mistakes that have plagued our sports industry,” he said.

The conference’s organizers hope that the event will inspire a renewed focus on sports psychology in Nigerian sports, leading to improved performance and better podium success in national and international competitions.

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