Former IRS Chief Labels Detained Binance Executive a “Hostage” in Nigeria

Former IRS Chief Labels Detained Binance Executive a "Hostage" in Nigeria
Concerns Raised Over Binance Executive, Tigran Gambaryan’s Detention Conditions in Nigeria

Richard Weber, the former Chief of Investigations at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), has expressed serious concerns regarding the ongoing detention of Tigran Gambaryan in Nigeria amid a trade dispute involving Binance Limited. During an appearance on the podcast “Illicit Edge’s ‘Designated,'” Weber highlighted the troubling living conditions that Gambaryan faces in Kuje prison, which also houses dangerous criminals and terrorists.

Weber lamented the situation, noting that Gambaryan, a former law enforcement official and committed public servant now working at a mid-level position within a cryptocurrency company, has been wrongfully imprisoned as he sought to address compliance issues at Binance. “Tigran is essentially being held hostage. He hasn’t committed any crime and has been confined for over 200 days—nearly eight months—without a clear indication of the charges against him. It’s questionable whether the Nigerian government even understands the basis for his detention,” Weber stated. He called on the U.S. government, of which Gambaryan is a citizen, to intervene and reunite him with his wife Yuki and their two young children in California.

Gambaryan was detained in February after accepting an invitation from Nigerian officials. His colleague, Nardeem Anjarwalla, a British-Kenyan, managed to escape using a second passport. The allegations against Binance primarily revolve around tax evasion and money laundering, with Gambaryan remaining in custody for seven months as part of these investigations.

Reports indicate that Gambaryan’s health has deteriorated significantly during his imprisonment. He has suffered from pneumonia on two occasions, as well as malaria, and is dealing with long-term complications from herniated discs. This deterioration was evident in a video from his recent court appearance, where he appeared barely able to walk. However, Nigerian authorities have claimed that Gambaryan’s health issues are exaggerated and not as severe as he portrays.

Despite mounting concerns from U.S. officials and Gambaryan’s family about his well-being, the back-and-forth between Gambaryan’s representatives and Nigerian authorities continues.

In earlier developments, Nigerian officials accused Binance of manipulating currency, which purportedly contributed to the depreciation of the Naira. In response, Binance removed the Naira Peer to Peer option from its platform. Additionally, the exchange is facing regulatory scrutiny in multiple jurisdictions, including Brazil, India, and the United States.

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