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Kwara State Governor Grants Freedom to 23 Inmates Ahead of Eid-al-Adha Festival

Kwara State Governor Grants Freedom to 23 Inmates

In a gesture of goodwill and compassion, Kwara State Governor, Abdulrazak Abdulrahman, has released 23 inmates from the Nigerian Correctional Service facility in Ilorin, the state capital. The inmates were serving their terms at the facility when the governor visited them ahead of the Ileya festival.

During his visit, the governor reviewed the cases of 18 other inmates who were serving life imprisonment sentences. He commuted the sentences of 10 inmates from life imprisonment to 21 years, while six others were reduced to 10 years imprisonment. Two inmates had their sentences commuted to two years imprisonment, and a female inmate serving a seven-year sentence was reduced to six months.

The governor’s decision to grant the pardons and review the sentences was based on the health status of the inmates and his belief that they had reformed and turned a new leaf. The move is seen as a demonstration of his commitment to the welfare of the inmates and a desire to give them a second chance.

The Controller of Corrections in Kwara State, Danmairomu Shuaib Ayodeji, praised the governor for his gesture, urging the released inmates to be good ambassadors of their homes and not return to a life of crime.

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