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Rivers State University Suspends Four man ‘O’ war Students Linked to Brutalization of Colleague

Rivers State University Suspends 4 Man 'O' War Students

The Rivers State University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt, has taken a stern stance against brutality on campus by suspending four students who are also officials of the Man ‘O’ War. The students, who were involved in the brutalization of their colleague, Victor Tobins, have been suspended for one academic session.

According to a statement issued by the university’s acting Registrar, Mrs. I. B. S. Harry, the four students – Monsi Baridukaka Nwaaelibabari, Victor Chibuike Daniel, Ezems Ikechukwu Goodluck, and Wilson Jacob Ree-Ugani – were suspended for their actions which contravened the university’s regulations.

The students, who are all members of the Man ‘O’ War, a local security outfit on campus, were involved in an incident that left Tobins with serious injuries on June 12. The victim was beaten and inflicted with physical harm on his right eye and other parts of his body.

The university has urged students to live in peace with one another and comply with all rules and regulations. The management also used the opportunity to remind students that such acts of violence will not be tolerated on campus.

The incident sparked a protest on June 13, which disrupted a meeting between the university management, the Students Union Government, and the Man ‘O’ War. However, with the intervention of the police and the Vice Chancellor, the situation was brought under control and the students were assured that action would be taken within 24 hours.

The suspension of the four students is seen as a strong message from the university authorities that such acts of brutality will not be condoned. The university is committed to maintaining a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere for all students and will take appropriate action against anyone found guilty of violating its regulations.

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