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roof collapses On students during lecture in OAU

roof collapses On students during lecture in OAU

In the early hours of Thursday, torrential rain and strong winds struck Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) in Ile-Ife, Osun State, causing part of the Amphitheatre ceiling in the Oduduwa Hall to collapse. The incident occurred while students were attending a lecture in the SER course, resulting in several injuries.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Adebayo Simeon Bamire, along with other principal officers, swiftly responded by visiting the University’s Medical and Health Centre to ensure the injured students received prompt medical care. According to a statement by the University’s Public Relations Officer, Mr. Abiodun Olarewaju, the Vice-Chancellor also accompanied two students requiring further treatment to the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex (OAUTHC), where Chief Medical Director Professor John Okeniyi oversaw their care.

Professor Bamire has called for calm, urging students and staff to continue their academic and administrative duties without disruption. In response to the incident, the University management has closed off the Amphitheatre until further notice to prevent any additional accidents.

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