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President Tinubu approves N50,000 grant for households

President Tinubu approves N50,000 grant for households

In a bid to boost agricultural productivity, strengthen the economy, and provide immediate relief to Nigerian households, President Bola Tinubu has approved the National Construction and Household Support Programme. The programme was discussed and endorsed by the National Economic Council (NEC) during its recent meeting in Abuja.

The programme, which will be rolled out across all geo-political zones in the country, will provide a much-needed boost to the economy. One of its key components is the approval of a N50,000 grant to be distributed to 100,000 families per state over a period of three months.

To address concerns about food security and affordability, the programme will allocate N155 billion for the purchase and distribution of assorted foodstuff nationwide. The programme also prioritizes infrastructure development, with projects such as the Sokoto-Badagry Highway, which spans seven states and is critical for agricultural sustainability. Other infrastructure initiatives include the Trans-Saharan Highway and the ongoing Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway.

President Tinubu has given the green light for the financing of two significant railway projects: the Port Harcourt-Maiduguri Railway and the Ibadan-Abuja segment of the Lagos-Kano Standard-Gauge Railway. Furthermore, the National Economic Council has set aside N10 billion for each state and the Federal Capital Territory to acquire buses and implement a compressed natural gas uplift program, aimed at boosting transportation infrastructure and reducing environmental impact.

The programme makes provisions for labour unions and civil society organizations, with President Tinubu urging state governors to collaborate in meeting the needs of citizens and boosting food production. He emphasized that time is of the essence in achieving this goal, stating that “our states must work together to deliver on the critical reforms required of us to meet the needs of our people.”

The President pledged support to state governments in mechanizing agricultural processes, providing high-quality seedlings, and establishing solar-powered irrigation facilities to support farmers across seasons. He highlighted the importance of producing high-quality food in creating jobs and generating wealth through exports.

The programme is expected to have a significant impact on Nigeria’s economy and households, providing relief and support during these challenging times.

The programme is expected to have a significant impact on Nigeria’s economy and households, providing relief and support during these challenging times.

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