Unizik Expulsion Drama: UK-Based Geneticist Exposes New Video

Unizik Expulsion Drama: UK-Based Geneticist Exposes New Video
Unizik Expulsion Drama: UK-Based Geneticist Exposes New Video
New Video Emerges Showing Unizik Lecturer Grabbing Student First as University Faces Backlash Over Alleged Harassment, Expulsion, and Calls for Justice

A UK-based medical geneticist named Mkpouto Pius, has pulled the trigger on releasing a video that further escalates the expulsion decision of a female student at Nnamdi Azikiwe University (Unizik). The video allegedly shows the lecturer grabbing the student’s dress while she attempted to fight free. This effectively completely dispels the narrative that was floating around which positioned her as an aggressor.

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The video allegedly shows the lecturer grabbing the student’s dress while she attempted to fight free

Fresh Revelations and University’s Offer to Rescind Expulsion

Initially, the student was expelled after a guess that she got into a violent altercation with the lecturer went viral on social media. While some users applauded the decision, other users condemned the institution claiming that there was no due process.

The geneticist who spoke with the student uncovered that her family is very supportive of her decision and she is looking into various scholarship opportunities outside the country. However, the most shocking revelation is that Unizik has reportedly been calling her parents to claim that they will rescind the expulsion if the student makes a public video apology.

“They are insisting that all she needs to do is release a public video apologising and they will take her back.”

The geneticist stated.

The student’s parents on the other hand have refused stating that their daughter should not make an apology when the lecturer was the first person to raise physical contact. Surprisingly, according to the geneticist, the university authorities allegedly suggested that the student’s friend could even apologize on her behalf—which further fuels the narrative that the university is more concerned with public image than justice.

The case has really sparked calls for legal action against the university and it’s authorities. Critics are arguing that if taken to court, the lecturer could face consequences for harassment, and the student could have a very strong argument of self-defence.

With the new video evidence, pressure is really mounting on Unizik to clarify its stance.

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