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WAEC Plans to Eliminate Paper-Based Exams in Nigeria

WAEC Plans to Eliminate Paper-Based Exams in Nigeria

The West African Examination Council (WAEC) has announced plans to phase out paper-based examinations in the country, replacing them with electronic devices. According to the Head of National Office, Dr. Amos Dangut, the council is planning to deploy electronic devices to various examination centers across the country.

The aim of this move is to eliminate the current use of paper registration of candidates and detect any form of malpractice in the examination centers. The plan is to allow schools with the necessary facilities to conduct computer-based testing, while those without will still use paper and pen.

The WAEC boss stated that the council will work with the Ministry of Education to determine a timeline for the implementation of this new system. When the time comes, schools will be required to upgrade their facilities to meet the new requirements.

Dangut expressed satisfaction with the ongoing WASSCE, noting that schools and students have prepared well for the examination. However, he emphasized the need for schools to have bigger laboratories with sufficient equipment to cater to students.

The WAEC official also commended the Ogun State government for its efforts in promoting Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and other facilities in public schools. The state has already started online registration of pupils in both public and private schools.

The monitoring team from WAEC visited several schools in Abeokuta, including Abeokuta Grammar School, Baptist Girls College, Sacred Heart College, and Charis College, to assess the readiness of schools for the examination.

With over 1.8 million candidates writing the examination across the country, WAEC’s plan to eliminate paper-based exams is expected to revolutionize the way students take their exams in Nigeria.

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