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Woman Arrested for Stabbing Husband to Death over Internet Fraud Proceeds

Woman arrested for stabbing husband over 250m fraud profit
Woman arrested for stabbing husband by Imo State Police Command

In a shocking turn of events, a 27-year-old woman, Oluchi Nzemechi, has been arrested by the Imo State Police Command for stabbing her husband, Kelechi Nzemechi, 31, to death over a dispute related to internet fraud proceeds.

According to a statement released by the command’s spokesperson, ASP Henry Okoye, Oluchi confessed to the crime, revealing that her husband had lured her into internet fraud, also known as “yahoo yahoo.” The couple allegedly fraudulently obtained 250 Million Rupiah from a victim in Indonesia.

The suspect claimed that on June 2, a heated argument ensued when her husband refused to give her a share of the proceeds, leading her to stab him with a kitchen knife.

In an attempt to cover her tracks, Oluchi wrote a threatening message on a piece of paper and placed it on the victim’s body before fleeing the scene.

The police are currently investigating the matter at the State Criminal Investigation Department, and efforts are being made to recover the alleged 250 million Indonesia Rupiah for possible return to the owner. Oluchi will be arraigned in court once the investigation is complete.

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