FBI Raids Virginia Home of Ex-Trump Adviser Dimitri Simes Amid Russian Ties

FBI Raids Virginia Home of Ex-Trump Adviser Dimitri Simes
FBI Raids Virginia Home of Ex-Trump Adviser Dimitri Simes
FBI raids home of Dimitri Simes who Advised Trump in 2016

Federal agents have raided the Virginia home of Dimitri Simes, a prominent policy analyst and former adviser to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, who currently hosts a show on Russia’s state-run Channel One. The FBI confirmed that the search began on August 13, according to the Rappahannock News, which broke the story.


Simes, who was mentioned more than 100 times in the 2019 Mueller report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, was abroad at the time and says he was not notified about the raid. “I’m puzzled and concerned,” Simes told the press. “I have not seen a warrant. I was not contacted by any law enforcement or anyone else whatsoever.”

FBI Raids Virginia Home of Ex-Trump Adviser Dimitri Simes Amid Russian Ties Dimitri Simes
Dimitri Simes

In an interview with Russian state-owned Sputnik News, Simes suggested that the raid was an effort to intimidate him and others who oppose U.S. policies. He claimed the true goal might be to prevent his return to the U.S.

Dimitri Simes Jr., his son, echoed his father’s sentiments on social media, accusing the Biden administration of attempting to stifle dissent and disrupt de-escalation efforts with Russia.

Simes, born in Moscow and a U.S. resident since 1973, has long been involved in U.S.-Russia relations, including advising President Richard Nixon and leading the Center for the National Interest for nearly 30 years. His involvement with Trump’s 2016 campaign and connections to Russian officials have made him a significant figure in investigations into U.S.-Russia ties.

Most recently, Simes moderated a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum and participated in a closed-door meeting with Putin in June.

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