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Labour Party Candidate, Olumide Akpata, Accuses PDP of Vandalizing Campaign Billboards in Edo State

Olumide Akpata accuses PDP of vandalising his billboards
Combined photo of Godwin Obaseki and Olumide Akpata

Olumide Akpata, the Labour Party’s governorship candidate, has alleged that supporters of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) have destroyed his campaign billboards across various local government areas in the state.

Akpata addressed journalists in Benin on Friday, stating that the vandalism is a desperate attempt to silence his party’s message of hope and positive change for Edo State. He cited instances of threats, billboard destruction, and listed the affected local government areas as Ovia North East, Egor, Oredo, and Ikpoba Okha.

The candidate claimed that he has received threats to remove his billboard at Ramat Park and that the party has paid the required fees to accredited service providers for the billboards. Akpata condemned the actions as a violation of his constitutional rights to free speech and political expression.

This development comes as the Edo State gubernatorial election approaches, with tensions rising between political parties. The incident has sparked concerns about the integrity of the electoral process and the respect for democratic principles in the state.

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