Brutal Clashes Erupt at Iran’s Evin Prison as Female Inmates Protest Executions

Iran's Evin Prison
Brutal Clashes Erupt at Iran’s Evin Prison as Female Inmates Protest Executions
In a harrowing incident at Evin Prison in Tehran, guards clashed with female inmates on Tuesday as they protested against a recent surge in executions.

According to the Paris-based family of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammadi, who is among those detained, the renowned rights activist suffered a respiratory attack and collapsed after being punched in the chest.

Mohammadi, 52, who was awarded the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize for her advocacy against the death penalty, has been incarcerated since November 2021, with frequent imprisonments over the past decade. Her family, based in Paris, has not had direct contact with her since her phone privileges were revoked in November, but they have received information from other families of detainees about the violent clashes.

The protest erupted in the prison yard as female inmates rallied against the execution of approximately 30 convicts this week. Among those executed was Gholamreza (Reza) Rasaei, who was reportedly hanged on Tuesday following charges by the Iranian judiciary in connection with the 2022 protests. This wave of executions has intensified concerns about Mohammadi’s health and the overall treatment of prisoners in Iran.

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