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Soldier slaps woman into coma at banex plaza in abuja

Soldier slaps woman into coma at banex plaza In abuja

A military officer stationed at the popular Banex Plaza in Wuse 2, Abuja, reportedly slapped a woman into a coma on Tuesday. The incident occurred amid the ongoing shutdown of Banex Plaza, which has been closed for four days following a violent altercation between traders and soldiers on Saturday.

According to The Punch, the woman was walking on the barricaded road near the plaza when she was stopped by soldiers. After questioning her, one of the soldiers delivered a heavy slap, causing her to collapse and lose consciousness. She was swiftly carried into a van that sped away from the scene, though it remains unclear if she was being transported to a hospital.

Traders at Banex Plaza are lamenting their losses due to the military lockdown, which they believe could have been resolved without such drastic measures. The conflict reportedly began when a trader sold a defective phone, prompting the buyer to summon soldiers. Despite police intervention to mediate the dispute, soldiers returned to the plaza, leading to its immediate closure and the evacuation of traders.

Videos circulating on social media depict soldiers dispersing crowds and punishing individuals. The Nigerian Army has yet to issue an official statement regarding the incident, and as of the time of reporting, spokesperson Onyema Nwachukwu has not commented on the situation.

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