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Atiku: PDP to Decide My Fate for 2027 Elections

PDP to decide my fate for 2027 elections, Atiku declared
Atiku Abubakar

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar has stated that his political future for the 2027 general elections will be determined by members of his party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

Speaking in an interview with the BBC on Friday, Atiku, who was the PDP’s presidential candidate in the 2023 elections, said it was too early to decide whether he would run for the presidency again.

Atiku’s recent meetings with prominent political figures, including Peter Obi of the Labour Party, former Senate President Bukola Saraki, and former Governor of Jigawa State Sule Lamido, have sparked speculation about a possible alliance among opposition parties ahead of the 2027 elections.

Atiku emphasized that these meetings were positive for democratic governance in Nigeria and hinted at a potential coalition between opposition parties.

Addressing the possibility of a consensus candidate from the PDP, Atiku stated, “I’ve made it clear since the last elections that if our party members had a consensus that the southeast should produce the candidate, we would all agree. And if our parties also had a similar agreement, then so be it.”

Despite discussions of alliances and consensus candidates, Atiku confirmed that no official alliance had been formed yet.

He dismissed rumors of his retirement from politics, asserting his commitment to fighting injustice and bad governance. “We fiercely fought even the military governments; let alone the civilian administrations. So, if you’re thinking otherwise, you might be dreaming. We would never retrace from fighting injustice and bad governance. I am not yet tired of political activism,” Atiku declared.

Atiku reassured that his continued involvement in politics would not hinder new leaders from emerging. Reflecting on his ongoing talks with key political figures, he said, “We are in a democratic system and don’t forget that we are those who fought for its entrenchment. So, we are going to continue entrenching good governance and a sound democratic system. We would never fold our arms watching things deteriorate.”

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