Ukraine Averts Alleged Coup Attempt on Constitution Day

Ukraine Averts Alleged Coup Attempt on Constitution Day

A potential coup attempt in Ukraine was foiled on Sunday, according to authorities, as the country celebrated its Constitution Day. The Sluzhba Bezpeky Ukrayiny (SBU) intelligence service and prosecutors revealed that an unknown group had planned to stage “provocations” in Kyiv.

The alleged plot involved occupying parliament during a demonstration and establishing a provisional government, but the plan was thwarted before it could be executed. Four men were detained in connection with the failed coup, and are currently being investigated for possession of weapons and ammunition.

The authorities have launched an investigation into the incident, led by the Ivano-Frankivsk prosecutor’s office in western Ukraine. Anyone found guilty could face up to 10 years in prison.

In response to the alleged coup attempt, a security zone has been established around the government quarter in Kyiv, restricting access and the right to demonstrate. The authorities have also reported a series of arrests of individuals suspected of being informants or supporters of Russia.

It is not the first time that Ukraine has faced threats from within, with several previous instances of attempted coups and political unrest reported. The country has been grappling with internal conflicts and tensions with neighboring Russia, which has been accused of interfering in Ukrainian affairs.

The government has tightened security measures in recent months, and this latest development is likely to increase concerns about the stability of the country’s political landscape.

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