Chosen Church Denies Viral ‘Fabricated AK-27’ Testimony, Warns of Online Misinformation

Chosen Church Denies Viral 'Fabricated' Testimony
Chosen Church Responds to Online Backlash Over Fabricated Testimony

The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries has issued a statement addressing concerns surrounding a recent testimony that has been circulating online. The church’s Head of Public Relations and Media, Pastor Chidi Louis, has clarified that a viral video featuring a member’s account of disarming four armed robbers and taking possession of an “AK-27” is entirely fabricated.

The controversy began when a video surfaced showing a woman claiming to have single-handedly apprehended the robbers and seized the weapon. However, in a subsequent interview, the pastor correcting her mistake, stating that the weapon in question was actually an AK-47.

In response to the online backlash, Pastor Louis urged Nigerians to disregard the fake video and instead visit the church’s platform to hear the complete testimony. According to Louis, the woman’s story was actually a dream and not based on real events. “Don’t believe everything you see on the internet,” he warned. “Bloggers often edit content to ridicule the work of God. Most of these bloggers are wicked and devilish.”

The church‘s media department also released a statement on its platform, denouncing the clip as fake and advising the public to disregard it. The full testimony was later released on the church’s TikTok handle, revealing that the woman’s account was indeed a dream.

The incident has sparked concerns about the authenticity of testimonies shared online, particularly within religious circles. The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries’ response serves as a reminder for individuals to be cautious when consuming information online and to verify claims before accepting them as true.

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