Daddy Freeze Responds to Pastor Adeboye’s Apology

Daddy Freeze Responds to Pastor Adeboye’s Apology
Daddy Freeze Responds to Pastor Adeboye’s Apology
Controversial On-Air Personality (OAP), Daddy Freeze, has publicly commended Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), for offering an apology regarding a past message he delivered on tithing.

The long-standing debate surrounding the practice of tithing within Christianity, especially in Nigerian churches, has once again resurfaced, but this time with a significant twist: a respected clergyman openly admitting a previous statement was wrong.

Pastor Adeboye’s apology came during the ongoing RCCG National Youth Convention, held at the Redemption City (formerly Redemption Camp) on Thursday. His admission, which touched on a sensitive subject in the church, has sparked numerous reactions across Nigeria’s religious and social spheres.

Adeboye took the opportunity to set the record straight, clarifying a statement he had made years ago that implied paying tithes was directly linked to making it to heaven.

Pastor Adeboye’s Apology

During his address at the youth convention, Pastor Adeboye stated, “I am going to be talking to everybody as soon as God permits me. I am going to apologize for making a mistake for saying that if you don’t pay tithe, you will not be making it to heaven. That is wrong. That is not in the Bible. What the Bible says is to make peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see God.”

The pastor acknowledged that the Bible does not tie tithing to salvation, emphasizing instead that peace and holiness are the keys to seeing God.

Adeboye’s humility in admitting he was wrong is what set his apology apart. He further elaborated, drawing a parallel between the evolution of scientific thought and spiritual understanding. “It is possible to be right and wrong at the same time. I will prove it to you. For years, we taught that light travels in a straight line. Later we say it travels in waves,” he explained.

Tithing Controversies in Nigeria

The practice of tithing, which involves giving 10% of one’s income to the church, has been a subject of contention in Nigerian religious circles for several years. Many Nigerian pastors, including Pastor Adeboye, have long taught the importance of tithing, encouraging their congregations to see it as a divine command that brings blessings and favor from God.

However, some critics argue that the doctrine of tithing has been misrepresented and used by churches to generate income, often exploiting vulnerable followers. One of the most vocal opponents of the traditional view of tithing is Daddy Freeze, who has been spearheading an online movement aimed at re-examining some long-held Christian teachings in Nigeria.

Daddy Freeze, whose real name is Ifedayo Olarinde, is a media personality known for his controversial views on religion, particularly tithing and prosperity gospel teachings. He has repeatedly criticized Nigerian pastors for what he sees as their misuse of scripture to enrich themselves at the expense of their followers. His #FreeTheSheeple movement has garnered significant attention, sparking heated debates about the legitimacy of tithing as a mandatory Christian practice.

Daddy Freeze’s Response

Following Pastor Adeboye’s apology, Daddy Freeze took to his Instagram account to express his appreciation for the pastor’s willingness to acknowledge his mistake. Freeze, who has previously clashed with several prominent religious leaders over their teachings, displayed a rare moment of admiration for the General Overseer.

“I appreciate your apology, Daddy G.O. It takes courage and humility to admit such an error, and I hope this sets a new precedent for openness and accountability in our religious teachings,” Daddy Freeze said in his Instagram post.

This gesture of appreciation comes as a surprise to many, given Daddy Freeze’s history of opposition to what he considers the “manipulative” teachings of Nigerian pastors.

Freeze also reiterated his long-held stance that tithing is not a requirement for Christians under the New Testament, urging religious leaders to move away from what he considers outdated and misinterpreted teachings. He expressed hope that Adeboye’s apology would inspire other pastors to critically re-examine their doctrines and make necessary adjustments when needed.

“Religious leaders must prioritize scriptural accuracy over dogma,” Freeze added. “It is encouraging to see Pastor Adeboye take this step, and I hope it encourages a larger conversation about how we approach teachings in the church.”

Pastor Adeboye’s apology has generated diverse reactions from various quarters. While some commended his honesty and humility, others have questioned the timing and motivation behind the apology. Critics argue that the damage from years of promoting the erroneous teaching on tithing has already been done and that it may take more than a public apology to undo the harm.

Some supporters of Adeboye, however, see the apology as a sign of his spiritual growth and his willingness to lead by example. They praised him for prioritizing biblical truth over pride, highlighting that it takes a great leader to admit when they’ve made a mistake.

On social media, the apology has sparked lively debates, with many users weighing in on the broader implications of the pastor’s admission. Some have called for other Nigerian pastors to follow Adeboye’s lead and issue similar apologies for teachings that may have misled their congregations over the years.

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