Hank Anuku Opens Up on Leaked Video That Nearly Ruined His Life

Nigerian actor, Hank Anuku, has spoken out about a leaked video that sparked a devastating chain of events, including depression, loss of jobs, and abandonment by colleagues.
Hank Anuku

Nigerian actor, Hank Anuku, has spoken out about a leaked video that sparked a devastating chain of events, including depression, loss of jobs, and abandonment by colleagues.

In an emotional interview with social media influencer, Lucky Udu, Anuku revealed that the video, which showed him rehearsing a movie role, was misconstrued by many as evidence of his mental instability. The video, which was taken without his knowledge or consent, went viral on social media, leading to a widespread belief that he was mad.

Anuku lamented that the incident led to a drought in movie roles, leaving him stranded and without a steady income. He expressed regret over his decision to leave Europe, where he had resided before, to pursue his career in Nigeria.

The actor debunked rumors of drug use and mental instability, stating that he is mentally stable and does not engage in drug use. He appealed to Nigerians to disregard the rumors and seek to understand the truth behind the leaked video.

Anuku’s colleagues in the movie industry came under fire as he accused them of abandoning him in his time of need. He expressed gratitude to Lucky Udu for providing him with a platform to share his story and revive his career.

This interview comes on the heels of Lucky Udu’s successful revival of Skye B’s career, another Nigerian artist who had fallen from grace. With this interview, Anuku hopes to revive his career and put the past behind him.

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