Gambian Presidential nomination Fee to Hit D1 million

Gambian Presidential nomination Fee to Hit D1 million

The presidential nomination fee expected to hit D1 million in the next presidential election in the Gambia according to a draft report by the joint committees of Regional Government and Lands, Ombudsman and IEC, and Human Rights and Constitutional Matters in the west African country.

“Clause 43 requires candidates to deposit a certain amount of money as specified by section 47(1)(b) of the 1997 Constitution at the time of delivering their nomination papers.”

After looking over the aforementioned clause and the evidence that was brought before the joint committees, they concluded that the amount of deposit required of candidates running for the presidency and other elected offices has to be changed.

The National Assembly candidate must pay a fee of D10,000 in order to be considered.

Having examined the said clause, and reviewed the evidence presented before the joint committees, they observed there is a need for an amendment to the sum of deposit for the candidate vying for the Presidency and other elective positions.

The fee for the candidate of the National Assembly is to reach D10,000 and D6,000 for Mayoral or Chairperson. Councilors must deposit D3,000, the draft report reveals.

The joint committee proposes that Clause 39 stands part of the Bill (2022 Elections Amendment Bill) with the following amendments:

“That the time for nomination under Clause 42(1) be made to commence at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 4:00 p.m., other provisions regarding nomination and voting time shall accordingly apply.”

The committee also recommends that the number of “nomination votes” required under Clause 42 (2) be amended as follows:

“That 42 (2) (a) Nomination of Presidency should be raised to 10,000 voters with at least 500 voters from each administrative area.”

“That 42 (2) (b), nomination of a member of the National Assembly be maintained at 300 voters from within the constituency.”

“That 42 (2) (c) nomination of a Mayor or Chairperson be amended from ‘not less than 100 voters’ to ‘not less than 1000 voters’ from within the administrative area.

“That 42 (2) (d), nomination of a Councilor be raised from seventy-five to one hundred and fifty voters from within the ward.”

On the issue of Return and Forfeiture of Deposit, the report stated: “Clause 44 outlines conditions in which deposit paid in accordance with section 43 shall be returned to the candidates for various offices. Having examined the said Clause, the Committee proposed the following amendments:”

The Committee resolved that, the percentage provided for the return of deposit for candidates for the Office of President (Clause 44(d)(i), cannot be altered without an amendment being effected on the Constitution.

“The Committee recommends that the twenty percent (20%) provided for the offices of National Assembly-Members, Mayor/Mayoress, and Chairpersons under Clause 44(d) (ii) be maintained.”

They further recommended that a new clause be drafted to cater for Councilors, and the percentage of votes required reduced to twenty percent (20%).

On the matter of objection to nominations, the joint committee amended that the time for filling in the objection under Clause 49(2) be reduced from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and “after the public scrutiny” the bill should be deleted.

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