Namibia to Kill More Than 700 Animals To Combat Severe Hunger

Namibia to Kill More Than 700 Animals Due To Severe Hunger
Namibia to Kill More Than 700 Animals Due To Severe Hunger

Elephants, Zebras, and Hippos Among Animals Targeted as Drought Fuels Food Crisis In Namibia

Facing its worst drought in a century, Namibia has announced plans to cull(reduce the population of (a wild animal) by selective slaughter.)more than 700 wild animals, including elephants, zebras, and hippos, in a bid to combat escalating food insecurity. The meat will be distributed to citizens struggling with hunger as the southwest African nation grapples with the devastating impacts of the climate crisis.


The country’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism revealed on Monday that the culling operation will target 83 elephants, 30 hippos, 60 buffalo, 50 impala, 100 blue wildebeest, and 300 zebIn ras. These animals will be taken from national parks and communal areas with “sustainable game numbers” by professional hunters.

This controversial program aims to alleviate pressure on dwindling water resources by reducing wildlife populations in areas where their numbers exceed available grazing and water. Additionally, the cull is intended to mitigate potential conflicts between humans and elephants, which have escalated as drought-stricken animals venture closer to human settlements in search of food and water.

Elephants, zebras, hippos among more than 700 animals being killed for meat in Namibia

The ministry emphasized that the meat from these animals will be allocated to the country’s drought relief efforts. “We are happy that we can assist the country in this very difficult time and when it’s absolutely needed,” the ministry stated.

Namibia declared a state of emergency in May due to worsening drought conditions. Approximately 1.4 million people—nearly half the population—are expected to face acute food insecurity. The drought, exacerbated by the El Niño climate pattern and the broader climate crisis, has led to shriveled crops and soaring hunger levels across southern Africa.


So far, more than 150 animals have already been culled, yielding over 125,000 pounds of meat, which has been distributed to those most in need, particularly in rural areas.

As one of southern Africa’s strongholds for wildlife, Namibia’s elephant population is part of a regional group of over 200,000. However, these majestic animals have also been hard-hit by the drought, with hundreds believed to have died last year as their water sources dried up.

This culling program underscores the severity of the ongoing drought, which has left millions in southern Africa battling hunger as rains dwindle and temperatures soar.

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