Nigerians Call for the Arrest of Adeyinka Grandson Over “Igbo” Hate Video

Nigerians Call for the Arrest Adeyinka Grandson Over "Igbo" Hate Video
Adeyinka Grandson

Nigerians on Twitter have called upon the UK police to arrest Mr Adeyinka Grandson, man who called for attacks on Igbo natives residing in Yoruba land via a video uploaded online on Saturday.


Mr Grandson had, in his video message, given a 48 hours ultimatum to all Igbo’s living in the West of Nigeria to leave or be attacked.

“Every Igbo national will be dealt with” Grandson said in his video message.

Mr Grandson, who made his call, claiming to be the leader of Young Yoruba for Freedom (YYF) – a Yoruba secessionist group agitating for Oduduwa Republic- said from Monday, October 26, all vehicles will be stopped and checked and any Igbo person found still living in Yorubaland will be seriously dealt with.

Adeyinka Grandson’s message prompted a call by many Nigerians on Twitter for his arrest and deportation by the UK authorities.

Adeyinka Grandson Arrested in 2019

Nigerians Call for the Arrest of Adeyinka Grandson Over "Igbo" Hate Video

Adeyinka Grandson, a UK-based Nigerian of Yoruba descent, who is known for his social media attacks on people of Igbo extraction as well as criticism of the Hausa-Fulani, made similar threats in 2019 prompting his arrest by the police in the UK.

The Scotland Yard Counter Terrorism Command had arrested Grandson for allegedly “stirring racial discrimination” against the Igbo and Fulani ethnic groups and also “encouraging terrorism”.

After being grilled for nine hours, Grandson denied any involvement in terrorism or encouraging racial hatred and said YYF only supports the return of Nigeria to the regional system.

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