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Military Air Strikes Destroy Seven Illegal Refining Sites in Rivers State

Air Strikes Destroy 7 Illegal Refineries in Rivers state
Operation Delta Safe

In recent operations conducted by the air component of Operation Delta Safe made significant progress by destroying seven illegal refineries with the aim of combating illegal oil refining activities in Rivers State.

According to a statement released on Sunday by Air Vice Marshal Edward Gabkwet, the Director of Public Relations and Information for the Nigerian Air Force, seven illegal refining sites were destroyed across various locations in the state.

The operations, carried out on April 12 and 13, 2024, targeted illicit activities in Idama, Ogbomkiri, Arugbana, Ivy Island, and Samkiri communities. The air strikes, aimed at disrupting the activities of economic saboteurs in the Niger Delta Region, have dealt a blow to oil thieves attempting to burst and siphon crude oil.

Gabkwet highlighted the success of the operations, noting that an active illegal refining site was identified and engaged in the Idama community. Additionally, armed reconnaissance missions revealed four boats loaded with illegally refined products, which were intercepted and destroyed as they headed southwards.

The statement emphasized the effectiveness of the air component’s efforts in deterring illegal activities. In Arugbana, oil thieves were observed attempting to establish another illegal refineries, but upon sighting the approaching aircraft, they fled the scene. Similar reconnaissance missions over Ogbomkiri, Ivy Island, and Samkiri uncovered several illegal refineries all of which were engaged and destroyed.

This recent operation adds to previous successes in the fight against illegal oil refining in Rivers State. In December 2023, a strike conducted by Operation Delta Safe destroyed six illegal oil refining sites in Opu Arugbana, Degema Local Government Area. Additionally, in March 2024, two illegal refining sites were dismantled in Krakama and Temakiri, also in Degema Local Government Area.

The efforts of Operation Delta Safe underscore the commitment of the Nigerian military to curb illicit activities in the Niger Delta Region. By targeting illegal refining sites and intercepting boats transporting illegally refined products, the air component continues to disrupt the operations of economic saboteurs, safeguarding Nigeria’s natural resources and promoting security in the region.

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