Avoid Nigerian Army recruitment or perish, IPOB warns Igbo youths

Avoid Nigerian Army recruitment or perish, IPOB warns Igbo youths
IPOB Urges Igbo Youths to Refrain from Joining Nigerian Army, Warns of Dire Consequences

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has issued a warning to Igbo youths, advising them against enlisting in the Nigerian Army, cautioning that those who disregard this advice may find themselves as “sacrificial lambs.” This statement underscores the group’s assertion that the Nigerian state does not serve the interests of the Igbo and Biafran communities.

In a recent communiqué released on Saturday, IPOB’s spokesperson, Emma Powerful, emphasized the organization’s opposition to Igbo youths joining the Nigerian military, claiming that it harbors ill intentions toward the Igbo people. He further asserted that such a decision could prove fatal for any Igbo individual who aligns themselves with an institution believed to be counter to their interests.

The statement read in part, “The Directorate of State of IPOB once again cautions Igbo youths against participating in the current recruitment drive by the Nigerian Army. We maintain our stance that the Nigerian state is not in the best interest of Ndigbo and Biafrans.”

Powerful drew parallels with previous recruitment efforts, recalling how Biafran youths heeded IPOB’s advice to avoid joining the British military during their engagements in conflicts against Russia and China. He urged today’s Biafran youths to similarly shun the ongoing recruitment of the Nigerian Army, which he characterized as nepotistic.

“IPOB opposes Biafrans, especially Ndigbo, joining the Nigerian Army because it is clear that the Army does not have beneficial intentions towards the Igbo people,” he continued. “Aligning with an institution whose primary objectives include harming and marginalizing Ndigbo communities will prove perilous.”

He concluded with a stark message: “Any Biafran youth who, out of desperation for employment, chooses to join the Nigerian Army will be solely accountable for the outcomes of that decision. We advise you to avoid the recruitment process lest you suffer the consequences of your ignorance.”

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