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Nigerian pilgrim returns lost £1,750 in Hajj

Nigerian pilgrim returns lost £1,750 in Hajj

A remarkable act of kindness has been reported from the Holy City of Makkah, where a Nigerian pilgrim, Muhammad Na’Allah from Zamfara State, returned a sum of €1,750 to the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) after discovering it at the Haram.

The generous gesture was made possible with the support of officials from the Zamfara State Pilgrims Welfare Board, who accompanied Na’Allah to the NAHCON office in Ummuljud, Makkah.

NAHCON’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Malam Jalal Ahmad Arabi, expressed his gratitude for the selfless act, highlighting that it reflects the pilgrim’s deep devotion to his faith. “This remarkable act of honesty demonstrates Na’Allah’s spiritual growth and maturity, showcasing his commitment to the principles of his faith,” he said.

The returned funds are now in the custody of NAHCON, which will strive to locate the rightful owner and ensure its safe return. This heartwarming story serves as a reminder of the importance of integrity and compassion in our daily lives.

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