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It’s shameful And unwise to marry for money – Pastor Bolaji Idowu warns 

Pastor Bolaji Idowu

In a recent sermon at Harvesters International Christian Centre, Pastor Bolaji Idowu criticized men who prioritize financial security over personal growth in their marriages. He denounced the mentality of seeking wealthy partners as both shameful and unwise, urging men to focus on their own personal development and self-reliance instead.

Pastor Idowu expressed disapproval of what he termed a “consumer mentality” among men who aim to marry into wealth. He questioned how grown men could consider marrying a rich woman as a strategy for success, suggesting it indicated a lack of self-belief and productivity.

“It’s disheartening to see men pursuing marriage for financial gain,” Pastor Idowu stated. “If your plan for success revolves around finding a wealthy partner, it reflects a belief that you have nothing of value to offer. This mindset lacks wisdom and self-respect.”

He also criticized men who rely on others for financial support when planning their marriages, arguing that such behavior demonstrates a lack of critical wisdom and self-sufficiency.

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