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US Firm, Swiftships Donates Unmanned Vessels to Nigeria

US Firm, Swiftships Donates Unmanned Military Vessels to Nigeria unmanned vessels

Swiftships, a prominent US military manufacturing company, has donated two state-of-the-art unmanned vessels to the Nigerian government.

During a recent visit to the United States, Minister of State for Defence, Bello Matawalle, inspected cutting-edge military hardware facilities, culminating in the donation of the S2 and S3 Swift Sea Stalkers to President Bola Tinubu.

Swiftships, renowned since its establishment in 1942, is recognized globally for its innovative solutions in shipbuilding, offering end-to-end services, testing, and sustainment support for new vessels.

The unmanned vessels, a testament to the latest technological advancements, will be strategically deployed in critical areas, including the Niger Delta, Lake Chad region, and various maritime zones across the country. The donation underscores a commitment to combating insecurity on Nigerian waterways, as highlighted by the Minister during the presentation at the Villa.

Minister Matawalle emphasized that the collaboration with Swiftships and other US companies aims not only to bolster Nigeria’s security efforts but also to foster partnerships for local military hardware production. This aligns with President Tinubu’s agenda of promoting peace and security in the nation.

The minister’s recent working visit to the USA aimed to explore innovative technologies that can enhance the efficiency of the Nigerian military in addressing contemporary security challenges.

The newfound partnership with Swiftships holds promise, as it brings cutting-edge military and intelligence hardware capabilities to Nigeria.

The facilities inspected during the US visit included a rapid deployment mobile RADAR system, an unmanned water vehicle, a drone ground control station, and a compact biometric search-scan system, among others.

Minister Matawalle reassured President Tinubu that these capabilities would significantly contribute to the ongoing efforts to combat insecurity in Nigeria.

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