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Yobe State Governor Launches Dry Season Farming Initiative in Collaboration with NEDC

Yobe State Governor Launches Dry Season Farming Initiative in Collaboration with NEDC
REPORT AFRIQUE International Yobe State Governor Launches Dry Season Farming Initiative in Collaboration with NEDC
Yobe State Governor Launches Dry Season Farming Initiative In Collaboration With Nedc

Yobe State Governor, Hon. Mai Mala Buni, has initiated the distribution of dry season farming inputs to farmers across the 17 local government areas of the state in collaboration with the North East Development Commission (NEDC). The scheme aims to support at least 1,500 small-scale dry season farmers in enhancing agricultural productivity and ensuring food security in the region.

During the flag-off ceremony, Governor Buni, represented by his deputy, Hon. Idi Barde Gubana, commended the NEDC for its unwavering support to the farmers of Yobe State and beyond. He emphasized the importance of the dry season farming inputs provided by the commission, noting that they would significantly contribute to food production within the state and the nation as a whole. Governor Buni urged the beneficiaries to utilize the farm inputs effectively for the benefit of their communities and the overall development of Yobe State.

Responding to the initiative, NEDC’s Managing Director, Mohammed Goni Alkali, expressed satisfaction with the gradual restoration of peace in most communities of Yobe State. He assured that the commission would continue to provide support to the state’s agricultural initiatives under the leadership of Governor Buni. Alkali emphasized the importance of empowering small-scale farmers and promoting wealth creation in rural areas. He reiterated NEDC’s commitment to fostering agricultural development and economic growth in the Northeast region.

The dry season farming intervention by NEDC is part of the commission’s broader efforts to assist communities affected by insurgency in the Northeast. Since its establishment in 2019, NEDC has been actively involved in peace-building, livelihood support, and reconstruction activities in the region. Alkali disclosed that 1,500 small-scale dry season farmers across the 17 Local Government Areas of Yobe State would benefit from the current distribution exercise.

The beneficiaries expressed gratitude to the NEDC and the Yobe State Government for providing them with essential farming tools during this period of economic hardship. They pledged to utilize the agricultural inputs effectively to enhance dry season farming activities in their communities. The distribution of farming inputs is expected to boost agricultural productivity, improve livelihoods, and contribute to food security in Yobe State.

In conclusion, the collaboration between the Yobe State Government and NEDC underscores the importance of partnership in addressing agricultural challenges and promoting sustainable development in the Northeast region. The ongoing support to small-scale farmers reflects a commitment to harnessing the agricultural potential of Yobe State and empowering rural communities to thrive economically.

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