JAPA: Canada’s Universities Struggle with 45% Reduction in International Student Enrolment

Over 70,000 Foreign Students in Canada Face Deportation
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Canada’s Universities Face Crisis as International Student Enrolment Plummets Amid Visa Cap

A significant decline in international student enrolment has sent shockwaves through Canada‘s university system, with institutions warning of a potentially devastating impact on their future competitiveness.

According to initial projections, international student enrolment is expected to drop by a staggering 45% once universities complete their tallies in October. The alarming trend has been attributed to the government’s cap on student visas, introduced in January to address concerns over housing, healthcare, and other services strained by the growing number of international students.

The cap, which aims to reduce international student intake by 35% over the next two years, has resulted in a drastic reduction in study permits approved. From an initial estimate of 364,000 permits in 2024, the figure has been revised to around 292,000.

Universities Canada, the national association of Canadian universities, has expressed deep concern over the long-term consequences of the cap on enrolment and competitiveness. The organization’s president, Gabriel Miller, emphasized the crucial role international students play in enhancing the educational experience and contributing financially to Canadian institutions and the broader economy.

“The cap’s collateral damage will hurt our ability to attract and retain talent in the future,” Miller warned. “It’s not just about the numbers; it’s about the quality of our institutions and our reputation globally.”

While the immigration minister’s office acknowledges that there has been a reduction in approvals compared to 2023, officials remain cautious about assessing the full impact of the cap. The busiest period for study permit processing – August and September – has yet to be fully analyzed, and more accurate data will be available once the final numbers for the fall 2024 and winter 2024 seasons are collected.

The university community is urging the government to take immediate action to address the crisis and mitigate its effects on Canadian institutions. With many universities already feeling the strain of declining international student numbers, the situation is expected to worsen unless drastic measures are taken.

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