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Keyamo Vows to Flush Out Touts Embarrassing Nigeria at Airports

Keyamo name touts operating in Nigeria airports
Festus Keyamo

Minister of Aviation, Festus Keyamo, has pledged to eradicate touts from Nigeria’s international airports, describing them as a huge embarrassment to the country.

Speaking at the Ministerial Sectoral Press Briefings, Keyamo identified two types of touts operating at the airports: official touts in uniforms and non-official touts outside the airport premises. He condemned the official touts, saying they dip their hands into passengers’ bags and demand money, causing disgraceful scenes that have gone viral on social media.

The minister assured travellers that his ministry is working with the Interior Ministry and National Security Adviser to address the issue. He proposed a joint memo to reduce human contact at airports and suggested that all agencies should be behind glass doors to prevent embarrassment to the country.

Regarding the armed touts outside the airport, Keyamo requested backup from security agencies to purge them out. He noted that the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) does not carry arms, making it difficult to tackle the armed touts alone.

Keyamo’s promise to flush out touts aims to restore dignity and security to Nigeria’s international airports, ensuring a better experience for travelers.

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