North Korea Punishes Abortion Doctors and Contraceptive Sellers in Effort to Raise Birth Rate

North Korea Punishes Abortion Doctors and Contraceptive Sellers in Effort to Raise Birth Rate
North Korea Punishes Abortion Doctors and Contraceptive Sellers in Effort to Raise Birth Rate

North Korea Targets Abortion Doctors and Contraceptive Sellers For Declining Birth Rate

North Korea is taking drastic measures to combat its declining birth rate by punishing doctors who perform illegal abortions and sellers of smuggled contraceptives, according to residents speaking with Radio Free Asia. In a bid to reverse the falling number of births, authorities have cracked down on medical professionals performing abortions and merchants selling contraceptive pills illegally smuggled from China.

Recently, two doctors were sentenced to prison after being caught performing abortions in their homes. One obstetrician from Paegam County received a five-year sentence, while another from Unhung County got three years after a patient died during surgery. Abortion has been banned in North Korea since the famine of the 1990s, yet some doctors secretly offer the procedure to supplement their meager incomes.

Despite a recent pay raise, many doctors continue to perform private medical services, charging as little as 30,000 won (US$1.76) for an abortion, equivalent to an average North Korean worker’s monthly salary.

Government Tightens Control on Contraceptive Sales

In addition to targeting doctors, North Korean authorities are also cracking down on contraceptive vendors. Several merchants were fined and had their market stalls confiscated after being caught selling Chinese-made contraceptives at Hyesan market. Smuggling contraceptives has become more difficult since border security was tightened in 2020, but small-scale drug smuggling through the sea persists.

The pills, which reportedly cost 20,000 won ($1.17) each, are in high demand among young women, with some struggling to find them.

Kim Jong Un urged women to have more children.
Kim Jong Un urged women to have more children.

Kim Jong Un Appeals for Higher Birth Rates

Despite efforts to boost birth rates, including offering rewards like extra food and new homes for larger families, North Korea’s population continues to shrink. At a 2023 conference, Kim Jong Un publicly lamented the country’s falling birth rate and urged women to have more children. However, many young women, particularly in urban areas, are avoiding marriage altogether due to the harsh living conditions, further contributing to the decline.

While banning abortions and contraceptives might not significantly raise the birth rate, the government continues to tighten its grip on reproductive health in the hope of reversing the trend.

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