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Two Abia Lawmakers Switch Allegiance to Labour Party

Two Abia lawmakers defect to Labour Party
Two Abia lawmakers defect to Labour Party

Two members of the Abia State House of Assembly, representing the Young Progressive Party (YPP), have defected to the ruling Labour Party.

Iheanacho Nwogu and Fine Ahuama, who represent Osisioma North and Osisioma South State Constituencies, respectively, stated that their decision to switch parties was influenced by their alignment with Governor Alex Otti’s administration.

In separate letters addressed to the Speaker, Emmanuel Emeruwa, the legislators explained that their departure from the YPP stemmed from alleged anti-party activities and their support for Governor Otti’s governance agenda. They expressed their commitment to serving their constituents under the banner of the Labour Party.

The defection was formalized during a visit to Governor Otti at the Presidential Lodge, Government House, Umuahia, where they were accompanied by the House Majority Leader, Uchenna Okoro.

Governor Otti warmly welcomed the lawmakers, emphasizing their consistent support for his administration despite their previous political affiliation.

Acknowledging the principles of transparency, service, and merit in his administration, Governor Otti assured the new entrants of equal opportunities within the Labour Party. He reaffirmed the party’s commitment to providing a level playing field for all members, regardless of their tenure.

During the reception, Governor Otti commended the lawmakers for their decision and expressed anticipation for the visit of YPP’s governorship candidate, Chief Enyinnaya Nwafor.

The event was attended by members of the governor’s cabinet, including Dr. Caleb Ajagba, Sir Uzor Nwachukwu, Prince Okey Kanu, and Mazi Ugochukwu Okoroafor.

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