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Civic Monitor launches Know-Your-Candidates tool to help voters compare presidential candidates

Civic Monitor, a civil society organisation driving a new wave of engagement in the democratic process, today unveiled its Know-Your-Candidates (KYC) tool –– for Nigerian voters. With just over a month to the elections, KYC presents the profile, promises and issue positions of the presidential candidates in a simple format and enables voters to compare the candidates on the most important issues.

“The election in February is perhaps the most important one for the country since 1999. Nigerian voters cannot afford to go to the polls blindfolded,” said Stanley Azuakola, Founder and Executive Director of Civic Monitor, in a press statement. “With KYC, we are putting the spotlight on the issues, not insults or conspiracies. It is about voters comparing the candidates on different issues and deciding who has the best plan for them, their families and the nation.”

A survey conducted by Civic Monitor in November 2018 showed that Nigerians were most concerned about 15 issues and keen to know the positions of the candidates on each of them. The issues include: security, power, education, healthcare, corruption, job creation, debt profile and the economy. Others are herders-farmers clashes, restructuring, federal character, state police, job creation, NNPC reforms and inclusion of women and youths.

“What KYC has done is to collate the positions and promises of 24 presidential candidates on each of these issues in their own words without spin. The data we have compiled with KYC is the most extensive and representative you will find of the candidates anywhere,” Azuakola said. “The most exciting thing about the KYC tool is the fact that voters can directly compare any two candidates on any issue of their choice, and the positions of the candidates would appear side-by-side for ease of comparison.”

Azuakola also said that KYC is a powerful resource for journalists, researchers, fact-checkers and activists, as it aids their efforts to hold political leaders accountable. Featured media partners include Premium Times, The Cable, Sahara Reporters, YNaija, Silverbird Television, and The Guardian.


KYC is now live at

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