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Breaking: Court Restrains Martins Amaewuele-led Faction from Rivers State House of Assembly

Court restrains Amaewuele led Assembly members from sitting
Martins Amaewuele

A High Court in Port Harcourt, under the jurisdiction of Justice Charles N. Wali, has issued an interim injunction restraining the faction led by Martins Amaewuele from convening or conducting meetings at the State House of Assembly quarters.

The court order also prohibits them from assuming the roles of Members of the Rivers State House of Assembly, as their seats have been deemed vacant pending the hearing and determination of the Motion on Notice.

This legal action comes in the wake of recent political turbulence within the State Assembly. Just earlier this week, Hon. Victor Oko Jumbo proclaimed himself as the Speaker of the Assembly, following the resignation of RT. Hon. Ehie Edison, who now serves as the Chief of Staff to Governor Siminalayi Fubara.

Yesterday, Governor Fubara made a surprise visit to the Assembly quarters to assess its condition. He declared that the purpose of his visit was to evaluate whether renovations were necessary following the emergence of a new Speaker in the Assembly.

The court’s injunction adds a new layer of complexity to the ongoing political saga within the Rivers State House of Assembly, setting the stage for further legal and political maneuvers in the days to come.

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