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Soludo Backs Single Term, Rejects LG Autonomy

Gov Soludo rejects LG autonomy, backs single term for senate
Gov Soludo rejects LG autonomy, backs single term for senate

Anambra State Governor Chukwuma Soludo has endorsed the growing calls for a single term for elected officeholders, but opposes autonomy for local government areas, citing inconsistency with true federalism principles.

Speaking at The Platform Nigeria, a programme by Lagos-based church, Covenant Nation, Soludo proposed a single-parliament National Assembly due to Nigeria’s dwindling revenue. He emphasized that the country faces fiscal challenges and technical insolvency, requiring urgent action.

Soludo argued that local government autonomy would take Nigeria back many decades from what a true federation is about, citing the American system where counties don’t receive direct funding from the center.

He suggested devolving responsibilities from the Exclusive List to states and consolidating the National Assembly into one with no more than five representatives per state.

The governor acknowledged that President Bola Tinubu did not cause the country’s economic problems, but urged him to mobilize Nigerians to address the fiscal quagmire and technical solvency issues.

Soludo warned that printing more money would lead to spiralling inflation, emphasizing the need for urgent action.

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