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Democrats in Panic Mode After Joe Biden’s Disastrous Debate Performance

Democrats calls for joe biden replacement after debate woes
President Joe Biden

The Democratic party is reeling after President Joe Biden’s dismal performance in the first presidential debate against Donald Trump on Thursday night.

Biden’s meandering and mumbling responses have sparked widespread concern about his ability to continue his reelection campaign.

Behind the scenes, top Democrats are calling for Biden to be replaced on the ticket, citing his age and ability to serve another four years. David Axelrod, a former advisor to President Barack Obama, conceded that Biden’s performance confirmed people’s fears about his age and ability to lead.

Other Democratic strategists and commentators, including Kate Bedingfeld and Van Jones, panned Biden’s performance, with some calling it “painful” and “disappointing.” Many are urging the party to consider a different candidate, with some mentioning California Governor Gavin Newsom and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer as potential alternatives.

The debate performance has sparked a sense of panic among Democrats, with many taking to social media to express their concerns. MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace reported that the conversation about replacing Biden is “live and active at the highest levels of the Democratic party.”

Despite the backlash, Biden’s spokesman Andrew Bates dismissed the concerns, praising the president for making a “strong argument for his vision” during the debate.

The development has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, with many questioning whether Joe Biden can recover from this disastrous debate performance.

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