How to Relocate to Luxembourg With Ease in three months

How to Relocate to Luxembourg With Ease

Luxembourg is one of the easiest countries to relocate to in Europe. It is quite developed, peaceful and very accommodating in addition to the availability of high paying jobs, free healthcare system and free public transportation.


It is a landlocked country in Western Europe with Belgium to the west, France to the south and Germany to the east. The country is one of the smallest countries in the world, and also one of the wealthiest.

It takes only about 5 years of legally living in Luxembourg as an immigrant to apply for citizenship. This makes it the perfect destination for people who wish to migrate, live and work in Europe, especially those of African descent.


Luxembourg has three official languages. They are French, German and Luxembourgish. Though not an official language, English is very common, as is Portuguese, the mother tongue of approximately 20% of the population.

Citizens from non-EU countries that wish to relocate to, live and work in Luxembourg are required to apply for and obtain a national visa (long-stay visa).


However, before applying for a national visa, you need to apply for temporary authorization to stay in Luxembourg and then continue to apply for a national visa.

You can apply for a national visa at the nearest embassy or consulate of Luxembourg in your home country. The type of long-stay visa depends on why you are moving to Luxembourg (work, study, family reunification). Once you receive your long-stay visa, you can move to Luxembourg and must apply for a temporary residence permit.

Here is how you can relocate to Luxembourg for over three months:

  • Move to Luxembourg to work.
  • Move to Luxembourg to study.
  • Move to Luxembourg for family reunification.

Moving to Luxembourg to Work

How to Relocate to Luxembourg With Ease

Third-country nationals planning to move to Luxembourg for employment need to apply for a work visa. However, you must have a job offer from an employer in Luxembourg and an employment contract before starting your work visa application. Your employer must declare the job position with the National Employment Agency (Agence pour le développement de l’emploi – ADEM) to prove that they are allowed to employ foreign citizens.

A work visa is valid for one year (12 months) and can be renewed for another three years.

If you are a highly qualified person, meaning that you have the required professional experience and qualifications for the position in a specialized field, you can apply for the Luxembourg EU Blue Card. To be eligible for an EU Blue Card, you must meet a set of requirements, including the minimum annual salary stated in the employment contract.

This type of work visa is issued for a period of four years; however, if your employment contract is valid for a longer period, then the visa will be valid for the same period plus an additional three months.

Moving to Luxembourg to Study

How to Relocate to Luxembourg With Ease in three months

Luxembourg is a perfect destination for the purpose of studying. Luxembourg’s higher educational institution provides you with beautiful opportunities.

To move to Luxembourg for studying , you must first apply for temporary authorization to stay. Once your authorization is approved, you need to apply for a student visa. However, you need to have a letter of acceptance from the university in Luxembourg as proof that you are admitted to one of the Luxembourg universities.

Once you have your student visa approved, you can travel to Luxembourg. After arriving in Luxembourg, you must make a declaration of arrival at the administration of the commune where you want to reside. You must also submit an application for a residence permit to the Immigration Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs within three months of your arrival in Luxembourg.

A student visa is valid for one year (12 months) and can be renewed. This type of visa also allows you to work for a limited period of 15 hours per week.

Relocate to Luxembourg for Family Reunification

How to Relocate to Luxembourg With Ease in three months

If you have a family member that is residing legally in Luxembourg and want to reunite with them, you need to apply for a family reunification visa.

Family members that are eligible for a family visa in Luxembourg are:

  • Spouse or registered partner of the third-country national residing in Luxembourg.
  • Minor children.
  • Parents (mother and father).

Before applying for a Luxembourg family visa, you will need to obtain “temporary authorization to stay”, which you can get from the Luxembourg authorities in your home country (embassy or consulate) or at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

The documents you need to submit for authorization depend on your relationship with the third-country national (spouse, child, parent).

Once you receive your authorization to stay and your family visa, you can travel to Luxembourg and make a declaration of arrival and apply for a resident permit.

With a family visa, you will be allowed to study and participate in advanced training and retraining courses. This type of visa is valid for one year (12 months) and can be renewed.

Also read about how to relocate to Canada as an African Caregiver here. join our Whatsapp channel to get free updates on possible countries to easily relocate to for free here.

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