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Wrongly Convicted Missouri Woman Freed After 43 Years in Prison

Wrongly Convicted Missouri Woman Freed After 43 Yrs in jail
Wrongly Convicted Missouri Woman Freed After 43 Yrs in jail

A Missouri woman, Sandra “Sandy” Hemme, has been exonerated and ordered to be released from prison after serving 43 years for a murder she did not commit.

Hemme, 63, was convicted in 1985 based on incriminating statements she made while a psychiatric patient. However, a judge has now ruled that there is “clear and convincing” evidence of her innocence.

According to The Guardian, Livingston County Circuit Judge Ryan Horsman ruled on Friday that evidence directly ties the 1980 murder of library worker Patricia Jeschke to a local police officer, Michael Holman, who has since died.

Hemme’s legal team, with the Innocence Project, presented evidence in a January hearing that authorities ignored contradictory statements and failed to disclose evidence that would have helped her defense.

Hemme’s conviction was the longest-known wrongful conviction of a woman in US history. Her legal team stated, “We are grateful to the Court for acknowledging the grave injustice Ms. Hemme has endured for more than four decades.” Hemme is expected to be released within 30 days unless prosecutors decide to re-try her.

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