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Czech Republic Launches Portal to Attract One Million Nigerian Tech Talents others

Top 5 countries that offer work visas with proof of funds

The Czech Republic has unveiled a new recruitment portal, Work in Czechia, aimed at attracting one million foreign tech professionals.

The initiative aligns with the European Institute for Innovation and Technology’s (EIT) Deep Tech Talent Initiative, which seeks to upskill individuals in deep-tech fields by 2025.

The portal offers a comprehensive guide for foreign professionals, detailing a wide range of job opportunities and providing essential information about living in the country. This includes visa and immigration procedures, as well as tips for cultural integration.

Boosting the Labour Market

The Czech Republic has been actively seeking foreign professionals to enhance its economic growth. The country is coordinating with other European nations to recruit tech talent, offering a vibrant labour market with diverse sectors. This provides international workers with ample opportunities for career advancement and personal development. The country also boasts a robust network of local and international firms and startups.

Jan Michal, head of the CzechInvest agency, emphasized that the portal is particularly beneficial for those in the tech sector. It provides clear guidelines on navigating the visa process, thus facilitating the smooth integration of foreign workers into the Czech workforce.

European Deep Tech Initiative

In 2022, the EIT launched the Deep Tech Talent Initiative to address the talent gap in Europe by upskilling one million individuals in deep-tech fields over three years. This scheme is part of the broader EU strategy to foster a strong pool of deep-tech professionals across the continent. The EIT has been offering courses designed to develop and expand deep-tech expertise.

Comparative Moves in Europe

The Czech Republic’s initiative comes shortly after Germany introduced a similar portal aimed at recruiting international skilled labour. Germany’s portal, targeting Nigerians and other non-EU nationals, provides an opportunity card that allows individuals from third countries to enter Germany to seek employment.

This trend reflects a growing effort among European countries to attract skilled tech professionals from around the world, addressing talent shortages and driving economic growth.

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