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Labour reduces proposed new minimum wage to N500,000

Labour reduces proposed new minimum wage to N500,000

Organised Labour has reduced its demand for a new minimum wage from N615,000 to N500,000 after failing to reach an agreement at the Tripartite Committee meeting on Tuesday. This was disclosed by the Deputy President of the Nigeria Labour Congress Political Commission, Prof. Theophilus Ndubuaku, during a phone interview with The PUNCH.

Ndubuaku explained that the labour team felt compelled to lower their demand to N500,000 to facilitate the Federal Government’s ability to meet their request. Despite this concession, he expressed frustration over the government’s lack of progress in the negotiations.

Ndubuaku stated “Yes, it is true we have reduced it to N500,000 (formerly 615,000). But we (organised labour) are still not making progress at the moment,”

He also highlighted the disappointment among labour representatives, noting that the government has shown little empathy despite widespread hardship and inflation resulting from its policies.

When asked about potential actions if Wednesday’s meeting ends in another deadlock, Ndubuaku indicated that they might advise Nigerian workers to stay home until the Federal Government presents a satisfactory offer.

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